Whether you are submitting files for a new title or for a revision, you will always receive an electronic proof (eProof) of your book to review and approve. This is an electronic representation of the way the book will print. Your eProof is made available within 3-5 business days after your files are submitted.
While reviewing the e-proof, you should look for issues related to the look of your book.
Recommended things to consider while evaluating your eProof:
- Is text or images cut off the page or running into the gutter?
- Have any images moved or are they blurry?
- Are fonts and characters displaying properly?
- Is the pagination correct: odd-numbered pages on the right/recto and even numbers on the left/verso?
- Are the page items and text positioned correctly on the page?
- Does your proof contain any spelling or grammatical errors or typos that need to be corrected?
- Is the ISBN correct and identical on the cover as well as the copyright page?
- Does the price on the cover match the price in the title metadata?
- If you submitted a file revision, have your latest changes been incorporated?
Other considerations:
- eProofs should not be used to evaluate color or print quality. A physical copy should be reviewed to evaluate this.
- The cropping of both cover and interior is approximate and does not account for the manufacturing variance of 1/16” (2mm).
- eProof file sizes are limited to 2GB. When a file is close to this limit, pages are removed from the middle of the content to reduce the file size. When this happens, you will see a watermark appear at the bottom of each interior page confirming that pages have been removed. Note: this only appears in the eProof file and does not apply when the book is printed.
- eProof Hairlines may occur but they are only visible in your eProof, not the printed book. These thin, light-colored lines are a result of a transparency flattener used by PDF creators and will sometimes appear around text boxes and masked images. Fortunately, these hairlines are only visible in your PDF and will not print when the book is produced. These lines may appear on both cover and interior files.
Please note that while the above examples are most common, hairlines may also present themselves in additional ways. If you have any concerns, it’s advisable to review your native working files to ensure the lines aren’t present. Physical proofs are also available for review.
How to Review an eProof
When an eProof is available to review it will be featured under Pending Approval from the Titles section.
- Click on the title of your book, in blue. This takes you to the title approval page, where you can download your eProof. To do so, click on the green download proof link.
- Once you review your eProof, you may accept or reject it. There are four options:
1) Approve the title and put it in distribution
2) Approve the title and keep it out of distribution until a later date (you can enable distribution at any time)
3) Does not approve the title and rejects the eProof to upload revised content
4) Does not approve the title and requests further review. Please provide your rejection notes.
Because it is difficult to determine exactly what your book will look like until it is printed, we provide publishers with the option to approve the eProof but keep their titles out of distribution until reviewing a physical copy.
If you decide to reject your eProof, you may upload new files at a cost of $40 per file submitted. You may do so by submitting a Revision. To submit a revision after rejecting the eProof, click on the title of your book and the Upload New Files button.
Important note: Pending production orders cannot be released for printing until your proof approval is completed.
Physical Proofs
If you also want to review a physical copy of your book in addition to reviewing the eProof, you can place an order for a physical proof. For more info on how to place a proof order, please see here. If your eProof has already been approved and your title is in production, you will need to place a regular short-run order.