New vs Classic Reporting

Learn More About the Differences Between the New and Classic Reports


When comparing sales data between the new reporting and the classic reporting in your account, you may notice more sold units displayed in the new reporting than in the classic reporting. This is not an error. This variance occurs because the new reports display units ordered much faster than the classic reports did. We now display units as they’re ordered, as opposed to as they’re shipped & invoiced. We hope this helps you access your title performance closer to real time.

Here's an example:

  1. We received a wholesale/distribution order for a book on January 1st (This sale is now available in the New Sales Reports and appeared in the reporting on January 1st)
  2. The order is printed and shipped to the retailer/bookseller on January 5th. (Retailer ship times may vary)
  3. The order is posted to our sales compensation reporting on January 7th (This sale is now visible on the Print Sales Report in the Classic Sales Reports)
  4. The Sales Compensation period is closed on February 1st (The compensation amount is now available in the New Unpaid Sales Compensation section of the Compensation Report)

Keep in mind that an order is not considered final until after it has been shipped. Retailers have the option to cancel orders prior to fulfillment, and any such cancellations can cause fluctuations between your sales data and your compensation data.

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