Reflowable vs. Fixed Layout ePUB Files

Reflowable ePub Files
Most ebooks are reflowable and this format provides the widest distribution in the marketplace. Books with black & white text and little or no images are the best candidates for a reflowable epub file type. As an alternative to fixed layout, there are creative ways of designing reflowable digital books for complex titles like cookbooks and art books. Consultation with editors and designers may be required if content needs to be reconfigured—for example, sidebars will need to be anchored to a certain text, or original art may need to be redesigned to work in a single-column configuration.

Also, reflowable ebooks allow the user to search text, change the font style, and change the font size. For these reasons, it's the most common and most preferred file type.


Fixed Layout ePub Files

Fixed layout ebooks exactly replicate the design of a printed book and work well for Children’s picture books, Manga, Comics, and Graphic novels. Retailers are moving toward consistent support for these types of books, and there has been good consumer acceptance of these genres in eBook form.

Print-replica fixed layout may be appropriate for heavily designed and illustrated titles that are more difficult to reinvent as reflowable content. In such cases, the placement of text and related tables, illustrations, sidebars, etc., is essential for maintaining the sense of the text or the story. Illustrated textbooks and full-bleed art books are a few examples of the types of books that lend themselves to fixed-layout format because of design issues.

In many cases, using a fixed layout, but not replicating the print design, may be a good solution. Text can be set in a bigger font, and the design can be optimized to avoid pinching and zooming on smaller screens. This approach can work well for cookbooks, gift books, and art books

**Fixed layout ePubs are not reflowable and will only be available for sale on Apple and Kobo, with the only exception being fixed layout children's ePUBs, as they will also be available on Barnes & Noble.

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