How to Add an Imprint

You can add an imprint to your account during title setup.

  • During the first page of the title setup process, under the "Categorize Your Title" section, you can select an imprint from the drop-down menu.
  • If the imprint is not there you can add an imprint name by clicking on the blue ‘Add Imprint’ text link.  This will bring up a pop-up box where you can enter an Imprint Name.
  • Once you have entered the imprint name, click the blue ‘Add Imprint’ button, and the imprint name will be saved to your account for future title setups. 
  • You can now select this from the drop-down menu and continue with your title setup.

Please note, most retailers will list the imprint as the name of the publisher for the book, and not your Lightning Source account name.


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