File Submission and Review Process

An important part of your title setup and file revisions is the file review process. Any time new files are uploaded for a title, our file technicians review the files to ensure that they are print-ready and meet our specifications. 

What’s the process?

New Titles

Once you upload your files during title setup, you will be asked to pay the title setup fee. After the fee is paid, you will be able to see “Title in Premedia” on your Dashboard. This means that your files are in the queue to be reviewed by our premedia team. They will check to see if your files meet our specifications, and the file review turn-around time for new titles is 3-5 business days.

File Revisions

If you have an updated file that needs to process, uploading a revision is fast and simple. Click on the title of your book, taking you to your Title Details page. On the right-hand side, you will see a button that says “Upload New Files.” Click this button and then submit your new file (remember to also press the “Continue” button at the bottom of the page and pay the $40.00 per file revision fee to ensure we receive your file for processing). The turn-around time for interior file review is usually one business day, and covers typically process in 1-2 business days.

Something to keep in mind is that you only need to submit the revised file. For example, if you updated your cover but not the interior, you only need to submit a new cover file for review.

For more info related to file revisions see here


If your files are print-ready, you will receive an eProof to approve on your account, and you will also receive an email with a link to the eProof. Approving the eProof allows you to enable your title for distribution (if applicable) and allows your title to be available for printing. For more info related to eproofs see here

eProofs for Case Laminate Covers

If your book has a case laminate cover, your eProof will be cropped to the board area of the book. Content in the gutter area will not show when your cover is cropped on the eProof, but it will appear when the book is printed.

You can see the gutter content on the eProof page that displays your cover file on our template.


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