Content Upload Validation

Content Upload Validation is a PDF file analysis tool that can assess the quality of cover and interior files uploaded within a Lightning Source account.

This tool allows Lightning Source to look at the PDF content uploaded and provide on-screen feedback to you about anything that could be detected in the file that could prevent or delay your book from completing the title setup process.

When you set up a new title and upload the cover and interior files through your Lightning Source account or when you submit a file revision, you will see the message CONTENT UPLOAD VALIDATION.  This tool checks your files for technical issues such as:

  • Fonts not embedded
  • File contains transparency
  • Low-resolution images
  • Spot colors used
  • Damaged PDF document
  • Color space used
  • Password-protected files

If your files pass the Content Validation process, it does not guarantee that your content will pass through our file submission process without issues. If the Lightning Source Premedia team finds a problem with the file(s) you will be notified by email of the corrections to be made. You can also access this information through your lightning Source account when you see the "Title Processing Error" status for your book by clicking on the link. 

You will need to correct the files and upload them again. If corrected files are not uploaded, we cannot complete your title setup work.

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