How to Set Up an Account

Below are instructions on how to set up a Lightning Source account online once you have completed the initial onboarding process. 

* Starting on the Lightning Source main page (, click the “Create New Account” button, and then click the “Let’s Get Started” button.

* Enter your e-mail address and create a password (must be at least eight characters long and must contain at least one letter and one numeral). Enter the type of business you represent (e.g. sole proprietorship, S-corporation, C-corporation, nonprofit, etc). And provide your mailing information, and click the “Continue” button.

* Lightning Source will prompt you to select and answer a security question, such as “What is the last name of your favorite high school teacher?” or “In what city/town was your first job?” To ensure the safety of your account, Lightning Source will ask this question if there is a need to verify your account should you forget your login or password.

* Next, Lightning Source will send an e-mail to the address you entered that contains an account activation link; open that e-mail and follow the link provided.

* The hyperlink will take you back to Lightning Source’s homepage, where you can log in in the top right corner of the screen using the e-mail address and password you just set up. Welcome to your new Lightning Source account. (Now that you’ve created your account, you’ll access your account this way every time you log in.)

* Read the “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy,” then click the “I Accept” button.

* Lightning Source will prompt you to review four agreements—the first two are required, while the last two are optional. To confirm each agreement, check the corresponding boxes, enter your full name in the “Signature” field, enter your job title in the “Title” field, then click the “Sign Agreements” button.

»The Global POD Agreement allows Lightning Source to produce your titles as print-on-demand books through Ingram’s Lightning Source companies in the US, UK, and Australia, as well as the Global Connect networks.

»The Global E-book Agreement allows Ingram to make your e-book titles available for sale through all of Ingram’s e-book distribution partners, apart from Amazon Kindle and Apple (e.g. Kobo and Nook).

»The optional Apple (Agency) E-book Agreement enables your e-books to be distributed to Apple’s US and international iBooks and iTunes stores.

»The optional Amazon (Kindle) E-book Addendum enables your e-books to be distributed to Amazon’s Kindle platform.

Once you complete these steps, you will have access to your Lightning Source Dashboard, the central hub where you will navigate to each of Lightning Source’s many functions. Before you can start adding titles, you must finish adding publisher compensation information, payment details, and tax information. This is required account information needed to process your payments and remit payments to you for both print-on-demand books and e-books sold to Ingram’s retail and library partners. 


Publisher Compensation: If you’d prefer to receive your publisher compensation (royalty) payments through direct deposit to your bank account, select the currency used in your country. Then enter data for your financial institution (your bank’s routing number and your bank account number should be inscribed on the bottom of your checks) and click the “Save” button. You also have the option of receiving payments through PayPal. For this option select the correct currency and provide your PayPal account information. When you’re finished, click “Dashboard” on the taskbar to return to the other account setup tasks.


Publisher Payment: Lightning Source users pay for upload fees and print runs using a credit or debit card, saved to their account for convenience. To save a payment card, click the “Add New Card” button, then input your card type, card number, card expiration date, and the mailing address connected with the card. Keep in mind that you may need to return to this page later if your card expires or if you get a new payment card; you can access your saved payment methods through the “Account” tab of your Lightning Source Dashboard. 

Tax Information: This step of the process requires you to provide your federal tax-payer ID. This can be your social security number (if you are a sole proprietor) or your business’s employer identification number (if you work for a publishing company). Enter your state, signature, and job title, then click the “Continue” button. If you have a reseller permit or other reason for tax exemption, click the “Claim US Tax Exemptions” button before proceeding to “Continue”. You will then be prompted to provide the necessary documents. Based on the data you provide, Lightning Source will generate a W-9 form for you to review. If you spot any errors, click the “W-9 is not correct” button and fix the data. Once all the details are correct, hit the confirmation button. 



Your Lightning Source account setup is now complete and you can start adding titles! 


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