Interior Content Tips that can Help Avoid ePub Rejections

All book files must provide the best customer experience in terms of quality, functionality, and accuracy. The book should not promote competing websites that sell e-books or compete with retail partners. Below are some tips for creating interior content to prevent EPUB rejections. 

- All text should be captured as text. Text should not be contained within images.

- All links should take the user to the correct location.

- Place an HTML page containing a table of contents at the beginning of the book so users can easily jump to specific locations (typically to a chapter). A table of contents that is not made of links is not useful on some sites.

- The main authors credited on the cover art must be supplied in the book's metadata, as it is displayed. Authors indicated as Primary will be used to describe, organize, and search for the book. Additional contributor roles can be used, but are not visible on some retailer sites. 

- Do not censor words. The title or subtitle must be given as originally intended by the author. All words should be completely spelled out and no words should be censored. Some retailers will automatically censor certain explicit words in titles.

- Provide a book description. This is required and should accurately describe the book, be formatted correctly, and avoid unnecessary information such as pricing or retailer references. The description should not promote any specific e-retail website.

- Do not include any styling in the body text. Content creators are encouraged to use creative styles for headings, special paragraphs, footnotes, tables of contents, etc., but not for body text. The reason for this is that any styling for body text in the HTML will override the user’s preferred default reading settings.

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